Saturday, February 04, 2006

Getting back on track

Its been hard getting back on track.
I had figured that it would be, get to Aussie, take care of business, back to Canada, get over the lag.....back to work...baddah bing, baddah boom, baddah bang...back on track Jack!!
What actually happened is that I've been in a mental no-mans land these past couple of months, forgetting routine details, disappearing mentally during important sessions/meetings etc., getting emotional at exactly the wrong moment..indecisive..forgetful...just generally not my usual self. Fortunately I have a circle of friends around me who know me well and have no hesitation letting me know when I am veering off track. Andy finally shook me loose with a frank talk at our regular Sunday morning get togethers and then set me up with Jack, who put me in touch with a grief counsellor, who along with a couple of funeral parlours puts on a 6 week session on handling grief.
Jack also follows up with me so that I have someone to talk with. The time physically spent with my Mum was brief....those circumstances of life...but I always missed her deeply. In the aftermath of her passing I am coming to grips with the fact that I am indeed grieving the counsellor put it....the deeper the love the longer it takes to get over. I like that!
Friends are indeed the flowers in the garden of life.....or to fit with the theme of this blog...The candles who light up my everyday life!!

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